About SAMA Hospitality Supplies

SAMA Hospitality Supplies Ltd (SAMA) began business operations as a hospitality supplies provider in June 2017 in Zanzibar with registration number Z0000020544 under the Registrar of Companies (Business Entities Registration Act No.12 of 2012). In 2019, SAMA  became a member of the Zanzibar Association of Tourism Investors (ZATI). The company now provides one-stop automated solutions for your trade and industry. SAMA focuses exclusively on a cost-effective and high-quality line of products whilst maintaining dedicated services to our clients. We are advancing at a tremendous pace and with the involvement of skilled and experienced human resources supporting the organization, in addition to the hospitality industry we support other sectors namely customer management and customer service focussed industries. SAMA's clientele includes Hotels, Restaurants, Banks, Government Entities, and Retail Customers. 




SAMA Hospitality Supplies Ltd (SAMA) began business operations as a hospitality supplies provider in June 2017 in Zanzibar with registration number Z0000020544 under the Registrar of Companies (Business Entities Registration Act No.12 of 2012). In 2019, SAMA  became a member of the Zanzibar Association of Tourism Investors (ZATI). The company now provides one-stop automated solutions for your trade and industry. SAMA focuses exclusively on a cost-effective and high-quality line of products whilst maintaining dedicated services to our clients. We are advancing at a tremendous pace and with the involvement of skilled and experienced human resources supporting the organization, in addition to the hospitality industry we support other sectors namely customer management and customer service focussed industries. SAMA's clientele includes Hotels, Restaurants, Banks, Government entities, and dedicated individuals. 


Our Mission Our Vision Our Identity
Here as SAMA, our mission is to build a reputation as the high-quality, high standard, and reliable solution and service provider that we are within the hospitality industry. We aim to consistently achieve 100% customer satisfaction by delivering quality products and dedicated, customized services at highly competitive costs. Our vision is to strive to become a significant entity within hospitality supplies-based corporate solutions, capable of eliciting the strongest of responses from the targeted niche. We also believe that for our scope of growth the sky truly is the limit, and we are always ready to take our achievements to the next level. We are growing fast and plan to keep on doing so in the years to come. A hotel supply company aimed at achieving and being known for providing the gold-standard and offering a reliable choice of products in the hospitality industry, offering both standard and premium products based on your needs. Our available stock includes guest amenities, glassware, crockery, cutlery, linens, kitchen and room accessories, acrylic polycarbonate, and uniforms, so you can rest assured whatever your needs, SAMA has got you covered.


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